AFL on Android

2 minutes read

AFL(American Fuzzy Lop) is a powerful fuzzer for binary on Linux, it employs genetic algorithms to discover interesting signals in runtime, but it doesn’ support for running on Android officially, so I just work to porting AFL to Android and get afl-fuzz running on emulator with arch-x86.

In order to porting completly, I have to cross compile afl-fuzz with bionic and use afl-gcc to instrument the binary I want to fuzz to get fork server and coverage measurements on.

Compiling afl-fuzz is much easier than instrumening the binary, just put whole source folder to “(AOSP)/development/” and execute “mm” on the path with an in it, but if you do so, you will just get some errors. The key problem is expecting shm on bionic, Android use ashmem to replace shm, so you need to use ashmem_create_region to create fd instead shmget, and just mmap the address instead shmat, when work is done, just munmap it instead shmctl. Another one thing you need to do is to comment the termminal size check in the afl-fuzz.c, or the UI won’t appear as normal.

The bigger challenge of porting AFL is instrumenting target binary. AFL’s documents tell me to set CC and CXX env to replace compiler but AOSP use cross compile toolchains and the makefile is so complicated. By reading afl-gcc.c, I found it just set some params to replace assembler to instrument instructions, and deliver remaining work to the original compiler when instumenting work is done, so I could just replace the original compiler and point the cross compile toolchain to get binary instrumented and cross compiled.The flow diagram is as follows:


To replace compiler, just add LOCAL_CXX and LOCAL_CC to your afl-gcc in, set AFL_CXX, AFL_CC and AFL_AS to your AOSP cross compile toolchain. After that, execute “lunch” to choose arch-x86 product and “mm” your source code.

One last problem is the shell code to be instrument produced by official AFL is x86 based only, and it containing shm calling instructions, so you need to write ashmem calling shell codes to replace them, and you need to rewrite whole shell codes of AFL if you want to porting AFL to arch-arm, that’s potential work to do in the future.

I made afl-fuzz running on Android-5.1.1-x86 successfully, and I add param ‘-t 100’ to give emulator some more time to wait for signals because the binary running on emulator is much slower than host PC.


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