An universal way to fuzz a running process by using AFL

1 minute read

In AFL on Android, I introduced how am I porting AFL from Linux to Android. It’s certainly that AFL could run on Android as it running on Linux, but I ran into a stone wall when I try to fuzz system_server on Android, the difficulty is AFL dosen’t support for fuzzing an running process officially. Android system service dosen’t provide any dirrect interface to transact data to its bussiness logic. AFL observe and send test cases by forking a subprocess to execute the tartget binary file, and system_server boots up in a very earlly time before all zygote processes.

An easily-come-up way to solve this problem is editting init.rc to let afl-fuzz boots up app_process so that system_server becomes afl-fuzz’s subprocess. However, it’s difficult to put into effect because this is a big change to whole Android system.

One another way is modifying source code of afl-fuzz to transact payload to system services instead pipe, this is a feasible scheme but I finally choose a universal way because it’s better not to modify code of an native program as possible.

I design this as a bridge from afl-fuzz to target process. afl-fuzz execute bridge as subprocess and send test cases to it, bridge transact these test cases to target process and observe crashes by checking pid of it, bridge send back a signal by raise(SIGKILL) to afl-fuzz when target process gets crash. Both bridge and target process need to be instrumented by afl-gcc to get fork-server and coverage mesurements on.

A difficult point is that afl-fuzz delivers fd of shared_mem to target process by setenv() in native architecture and it takes no effect to whole shell so that target process could not receive env of afl-fuzz in the bridge architecture, so a shared file is needed to deliver fd of shared_mem.

The architecture is as follows: arch


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